
The current public health emergency has led to an unprecedented economic crisis costing tens of millions of jobs. This has put the spotlight on the explosion of need for more support being critical in the fight against anxiety, depression, stress and other factors contributing to negative outcomes resulting from unemployment and poverty.


The connections between depression, poverty and other contributing factors can often be traced back to a lack of inclusion and opportunities. Pills do not pay your bills... a job does that, and no amount of talking about a job gets you hired. MOUNTAIN LIFEWORKS integrates proven solutions and innovative thinking into a common sense community-based resource to address these contributing factors regardless of cause or community.


Expiring protections could fuel wave of depression & suicides ~ The Guardian

Mental Health Challenges Triple during Pandemic ~ TIME Magazine

Kids' mental health can struggle during online school ~ USA Today







The CDC reports depression and poverty as the two biggest contributing factors in over 50% of all suicides. If traditional nonprofit and government assistance only addressed up to 35% of the challenges before the pandemic it will take more than giving broken systems more money to make a difference now. The suffering and isolation once only experienced by our seniors, the disabled and their caregivers is now being felt by millions of Americans who thought it could never happen to them.


People are waiting in lines for food and need help keeping a roof over their heads... just like many of our most vulnerable have been left on wait lists in a booming economy before the pandemic. As government slashes more from our most vulnerable it is even more important to make sure we do more than just say we are "in this together"and remember... Inclusion Works for Everyone!


National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255

Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator SAMHSA



MOUNTAIN LIFEWORKS is not a traditional charity… we take a more balanced approach by building a network of communication and collaboration among the willing using actionable awareness to advance proven real life solutions. Not every organization or agency is perfect, unfortunately many only see the crisis as an opportunity to justify more cuts to our most vulnerable neighbors unless we stand together. The MOUNTAIN LIFEWORKS call to action asks the public, private and non-profit sectors to lend their voices to those currently without one and HELP build real hope and local solutions for everyone. We hope you will stand with us as we go on the offensive against depression, poverty and other contributing factors in an effort to increase positive outcomes.




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