JANUARY 2025  mentoring month   


The most familiar mentor programs are those for youth and employment. But, just like those seeking a better life through meaningful employment others seek the same via self-employment and small business ownership. Neurodivergent, disabled and family caregiver owned small businesses may appear like other businesses on the surface, but they have different needs and provide different benefits to local communities and economies. Perhaps that's one reason the DOL reports average disability unemployment rates and segregates by category at the ODEP?


The disability unemployment rate is double that of those without a disability. We know over 80% of the neurodivergent are under or unemployed. We also know the SBA reports 2 out of 3 jobs created over the last 25 years were generated by small businesses, and that 3 out of 4 small businesses in Colorado report having no employees. That indicates a sole proprietor or self-employment model. But upon closer inspection you recognize only service disabled business ownership data is tracked by the SBA. All other disability categories are omitted. Why?


Small Business Economic Profile CO


Coffee with a Cause  january 2025     


Current urban-rural gaps manifest in different ways. The most obvious are poverty, depression and suicide rates. With over 200 diagnosable mental health conditions it is unfair and unrealistic to assume limited local options to be experts in all of them. Life long disabilities, diagnosis and caregiving responsibilities are not resolved by mental health treatments. At the same time poverty and unemployment are not mental health conditions either. Different problems deserve the appropriate qualified options and expertise. Would you go to a foot doctor for brain surgery?


One of the unseen drivers of urban-rural gaps is the differences in services and employers. Metro and suburban counties often have large corporate employers and work with local DVR, SWAP and NPOs to mentor and place neurodivergent and disabled job seekers with meaningful income, benefits and opportunities. Mountain and rural communities do not have those same supports, large corporate employers and year-round opportunities. Instead they often share one DVR case worker between multiple counties and work for smaller employers, seasonal jobs and lower wages.



Coffee with a Cause  january 2025  


Disability IN data indicates that disability owned businesses employ 10X the people with disabilities compared to other non-disability owned firms. SBA data also reveals that next to homeownership owning a small business is the second best method to build wealth. In this case our neurodivergent, disabled and family caregivers have a path to homeownership and health insurance options that improves outcomes, promotes independent living and decreases long-term costs to families and communities. Self-employment and small business solutions are proven to disrupt the poverty-depression cycle with dignity and are a key tool to combat urban-rural gaps.


Before our vulnerable and underserved neighbors can be treated fairly they must be represented and included first. Without access to qualified options and alternatives bullying will follow students from school into the workplace where there are less supports and protections. More qualified options and alternatives improve outcomes and increases accountability. A balanced approach mentoring program blends local training and support for employers and employees while coaching local neurodivergent, disabled and family caregivers owned businesses to complement the role of being the employee with opportunities to be owners too.


Remember a balanced approach uses verified data to identify problems and to propose actionable solutions. Only those willing to have difficult conversations can solve difficult problems. The first step to solving any problem is accepting the data indicating a problem... not blaming the messenger or method of delivery.


So join us for Coffee with a Cause and let's keep the conversation going each month with more data and actionable real life solutions!