MOUNTAIN LIFEWORKS is about empowering people of all ages and abilities to help themselves, their neighbors and community. The CDC reports over 200 diagnosable mental illnesses, with depression being the most common contributing factor in over 50% of all suicides. Many mental health conditions are treatable, but, poverty is not a mental health condition and it is the second most common contributing factor fueling suicide rates. Clearly, talking about bullies, housing problems and the high cost-of-living doesn't make them go away… and there is no pill to cure life-long disabilities and medical conditions. Different problems need different solutions.
Mountain Lifeworks focuses on how the lack of small business solutions and economic expertise contributes to the poverty-depression cycle fueling suicide rates. It is vital to recognize every cause has the needs of children, patients and individuals on one side and the needs of their parents, caregivers and providers on the other. Depression is the most common mental health condition associated with suicide, and it can be complicated by bullying, substance abuse and a lack of opportunities. From early childhood development and mental health conditions to disabilities and lifelong medical conditions... it is widely accepted early intervention can reduce long-term costs by 60% to 90% while improving individual outcomes.
SOURCES: Centers for Disease Control / World Health Organization / US Census Special Report
In all 50 States amd DC the poverty rate is higher among families with members with a disability than among families without. Recent data indicates current systems and solutions result in higher rates of poverty, disabilty and suicide in rural counties than urban ones. We use data to identify problems and target solutions that address the barriers and disparities government systems and charities do not.
SOURCES: Centers for Disease Control / World Health Organization / US Census Special Report
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
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Housing, Food Security, Health Care, Education, Employment, Poverty and other challenges are not mental health conditions, and are not limited to a single cause or community. Different problems require different expertise and solutions. While mental health professionals focus on mental health treatments we use different tools & expertise to complement... NOT compete with existing non-profit efforts and government programs.
Awareness & Fundraising
Programming & Education
Strategies & Tactics
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