October is Depression Awareness Month. According to the American Psychiatric Association (APA) many factors can contribute to depression. The CDC reports depression as a primary contributing factor in over 50% of all suicides. Economic disparities, unemployment, bullying, substance absue and other factors can contribute to depression, and trigger or exacerbate other mental health conditions.
Depression is different from grief.
Both grief and depression may involve intense sadness and
withdrawal from usual activities, but, they are very different in
important ways. The grieving process is natural and unique to each
individual and shares some features with depression. During grief,
self-esteem is usually maintained, however with depression feelings
of worthlessness and self-loathing are more common. Despite overlaps
between grief and depression, they are different. Distinguishing
between them enables people to access the appropriate help, support
or treatment.
What is Depression
Depression Fact Sheet - WHO
Depression Index - NIMH
Depression Fast Facts - CDC
October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM). The BLS reports the unemployment rate for people with a disability is more than DOUBLE the rate of the non-disabled, and US Census reports a poverty rate of 25% among 18 to 64 year-olds with a disability compared 9.3% among those without a disability. Meanwhile the SBA reports small business accounted for 2 out of 3 jobs added in the past 25 years (pdf).
Meaningful employment and income helps disrupt the poverty- depression cycle by building dignity and self-esteem. Mental Health conditions are often overlooked when discussing disabilities, but they are often a documented invisible disability. Metrics reveal 90% of all disabilities are invisible or hidden diagnosis. Small businesses also offer self-employment and wealth building (pdf) that promote independent living and support life-long care expenses.
Mental Health Challenges Triple during Pandemic ~ TIME Magazine
Disability Employment Statistics - DOLPersons with a Disability Labor Force Summary - BLS
MOUNTAIN LIFEWORKS recognizes the distinctions between root causes and factors that trigger or contribute to them. By using verified data and building a coalition of proven and willing partners we balance commercial and philanthropic strategies. This innovative and balanced approach integrates public, private and non-profit solutions to expand qualified options, grow stronger economies and build more inclusive communities for everyone. We invite you to join our growing coalition and help increase local opportunities, reduce long-term costs and improve outcomes for our neighbors and their caregivers.
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