JULY disability inclusion

The Americans with Disabilities Act became law July 26, 1990 protecting the civil rights of our most vulnerable from systemic discrimination and social prejudice. Ableism uses stigmas to characterizes people with disabilities as inferior to the non-disabled. On this basis, people are assigned labels or denied certain rights and opportunities or perceived abilities, skills, or character orientations.


CDC data indicates almost 27% or 1 in 4 adults in the United States have a disability. According to a US Census data the poverty rate is higher among families with a disability in ALL 50 STATES. CDC data also reveals adults living below poverty levels report mental distress 70% more than adults in higer income households. Depression and poverty are cited by the CDC as the two most common contributing factors in over 50% of all suicides.


U.S. Census Bureau QuickFacts: United States

Disability Impacts All of Us Infographic | CDC

Disability and Health Disability Barriers | CDC






DISABILITIES visibile & invisible  

Data indicates over 90% of all disabilities are invisible. Without seeing an indicator, like a wheelchair or cane, people can dismiss many severe conditions, and life-long disabilities. US Census data shows families with a member with a disability are 2X more likely to live in poverty, at the same time DOL data reveals individuals with disabilities have double unemployed rate compared to those without a disability.


The ADA provides provisions for those with mental health conditions and caregivers. Current data reveals gaps and disparities in existing programs and policies that can be addressed by moderizing current systems and adding new disability category inclusion programs where they are missing. Under-performance in these delivery systems increases long-term costs and the likelihood of negative outcomes.


U.S. Census Bureau QuickFacts: Colorado; United States

Disability & Health U.S. State Profile Data: Colorado | CDC

Invisible Disabilities: Break Down The Barriers (forbes.com)



COMMUNITY connections

MOUNTAIN LIFEWORKS recognizes the distinctions between root causes and factors that trigger or contribute to them. By using verified data and building a coalition of proven and willing partners we balance commercial and philanthropic strategies.  This innovative and balanced approach integrates public, private and non-profit solutions to expand qualified options, grow stronger economies and build more inclusive communities for everyone. We invite you to join our growing coalition and help increase local opportunities, reduce long-term costs and improve outcomes for our neighbors and their caregivers.



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